Love, dating relationships, or even casual dating for that matter will only survive if you can communicate everything with your partner. Communication is often said to be the single most important part of a relationship. It helps both people involved in the relationship be happier and it helps the relationship progress. If you are unable to speak to your partner about what is bothering you, your relationship will not survive.
Communication is a great way to get to know someone, love someone, and grow old with someone. The first few months are just as important as 5 years down the road. Relationship expert Michael Webb, author of the Relationship EBook Collection agrees. If you want a relationship to last past the first few months you need to be natural, confident, and you need to communicate with your partner.
Do not stop going out on dates together after the first few months. Many people think that dating is only necessary for the first couple of months in the relationship. This is not true. If you want your relationship to stay fresh and exciting, you should continue going on dates whether your relationship is six months old or sixty years old. Otherwise, you run the risk of the relationship becoming boring to both of you, and you may start picking fights.
Remember that in a relationship, communication is the most important aspect if you want to make the relationship a healthy one.