Is it true? Does love drive one to madness? It may not be madness as understood by psychiatrists, but a madness of emotions. Am I right? Why does love do that? To understand this, we have to explore more about love or romance. Is it friendship? Is it physical attraction/ is it liking for each other? What is love and what is this relationship all about? Love combines all these and goes much beyond in bonding. Lovers are bonded to each other emotionally and totally. A lover can not imagine of life without his/her beloved. A lover will suffer like a fish suffers without water , if he/she is separated from the beloved. Love becomes the whole life. Love gives life. Love becomes the reason of life. Life begins and ends with love. That is love. And that's why people call love mad!
How and why a lover feels like this for beloved is beyond any logical explanation. There is no arithmetic sum that can decide this. It is all emotional. And the emotions are so overwhelming that they engulf the whole personality. Why does a flower look lovely to all of us? Why are we attracted by the sight of a beautiful sunset? Why do we love to walk on the beach? Do we know? Can we answer these questions? Our only answer may be that - I feel happy doing it. A lover feels happy, rather so happy in love that it can not be compared with any other happiness. One forgets one's pains, one's pleasures and one's existence when in love.
Fall in love and feel the madness. You will get a clue to why lovers are called mad.
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