Tuesday, June 8, 2010

If You Want to Be Happy, You Must Learn How to Love

Love isn't love unless they know it. Love isn't love unless they feel it. Use your power of Love. (Words from a song I wrote.)

Love is the single most important ingredient necessary to create a successful family and a happy life.

Unfortunately, some of us don't know what love is or how to express it. Mostly, we aren't aware of its power and how much our loved ones need our love.

If you don't ever tell them "I love you" how do they know they are loved?" If they can't feel love from you, how will they ever know? Wouldn't it be horrible for your children to grow up thinking you didn't love them, when you did.

But a caution, just saying "I love you" isn't enough.

We all need to learn how to love, so our loved ones know for sure they are loved. Most of us just assume our loved ones know we love them, but assuming doesn't mean a thing.

If showing love is uncomfortable for you because you never received love from the ones who should have given it to you, you better learn how. I was one of those people who received no love as a child. When I had children I realized I had better learn or my kids would end up with the same hang-ups I had.

Showing love is simply a gentle touch, a kindness, a kiss, a hug, a compliment, an encouragement, a thoughtful act and telling them often that you love them and meaning it by word and deed. Try it, it gets easier the more you do it.

If we truly knew how to love our loved ones, we would avoid broken marriages and damaged children. We would be able to keep our families together, in love.

Love has the greatest power for good. If we love our mates, children, and friends we will be surrounded by love ourselves, as it comes back to us.

There is another kind of love that we lack; we need to learn to love ourselves. If we do we will avoid depression and negative thinking.

If we have love and faith in God when we are going through our trials we will learn love and compassion for others.

As the scriptures say "Thou shalt love the Lord they God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. ( Luke 10:27)

Love is the essence of life, without it we are but a sad, empty vessel. When we love God, ourselves and others, we have the power to lift, help and encourage others.

This essence of life has allowed me to have a lasting marriage of 51 years, three righteous, grown children and nine happy grandchildren. Families filled with love are the happiest.

I'm thankful I have learned this essence of life and know that love isn't something you receive but something you give and then you know what love truly is!

Use your power of love!


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