What if you could set up a scavenger hunt before or during a date so that you were enjoying this adventure together? This is what this technique will allow you to experience. You can enjoy these adventures together while also creating a stronger connection between the two of you.
Note : This is better for a 2nd date meeting and works best with women have these qualities : intelligent, adventurous, spontaneous, passionate, etc.
Cliff Note Version : arrange to meet with a date at a certain time and location. Text message her before the date and tell her to meet you at a new location nearby. At this nearby location she can find some clues as to where to find you. She will also be able to search for clues as to where the date will be.
Most of us have cell phones that can send and receive text messages. You can use these ideas to create an air of intrigue and enjoy adventures together that your date will remember long into the future... You and the dates you plan will become memorable!
1. Let us say for example that you meet a girl at a store and things are going well between you. You are both laughing and enjoying spending time talking and getting to know one another so you take her to another nearby place to continue the conversation. This is important because it will show you how much she likes and trusts you. You are leading and she is following like in a dance. You can call this new place your special spot or romantic corner or something like this. Allow her to feel really comfortable and safe in this place with you :)
2. For the 2nd date/meeting you tell her your plans are a special surprise. Make sure that you get along well, enjoy spending time together and share a compatible sense of humor. Also, make sure she is in the mood for a pleasantly surprising adventure with you that night.
3. You could plan to meet at a coffee shop at 8:00 before going to the surprise location.
4. Text her or call her cell phone at 7:45 and tell her you have a wonderful surprise for her and that she should meet you at your special spot instead. This is a spot in the place where you took her to during your first meeting.
5. Ask her what she liked most about that special spot and to remember how she felt and ask about how much she likes surprises. This creates powerful memories of attraction and connection and in Hypnosis we call these things anchors or triggers. These anchors occur naturally so you may as well use them on purpose.
6. When she goes to that special spot in the book store ( as in our example ) she will find a hidden book that you left there for her. I will use Dan Brown' s book, "The Davinci Code" as an example, because along with "Angels & Demons" it helped to inspire me.
She can search within this book for a hidden clue about where and what the surprise date will be. She will most likely be very intrigued and very curious! This is not an average date and
she is feeling special because you are treating her in a special way.
7. She finds "The Davinci Code" book with a brochure or a letter from you with the
address, times and simple directions to meet at an art gallery or museum, etc.
During your first date or meeting you found out about what you both like and enjoy and so you had enough information to plan something special.
8. Meet her at the surprise location and enjoy the art, the wine, cheese, crackers, etc.
Most of all you can enjoy spending time together. I have found that this scanger hunt before the date makes it so much more unique and interesting and is so much better than if you simply make plans to meet at an art gallery at a certain time.
The idea is to be unpredictable, fun, classy and romantic :)
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