Lovemaking is not always down to the final climax however, and in many same sex couples the art of lovemaking does not rely on one or both parties reaching this sexual peak. It should be a time in which you are in enjoyment of your partner in all of their glory, touching them and caressing them in a way in which shows your love and adoration of them. Of course there is the lovemaking, which is down to pure lust and does not always follow the pattern of love, but can still be satisfying nevertheless.
With regards to pleasuring your partner and getting the art of lovemaking down to a perfect match between the two of you, you must first communicate with them and find out what they enjoy and what they do not have such fun with. This could be a combination of many things including positions which they like to use in lovemaking, the pace, whether or no they like to adorn outfits which are pleasing to the eyes and so on. Everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes down to the art of lovemaking and what works for one person is probably not going to work for another, so therefore communication is essential to ensure that both parties are sexually satisfied.
As well as communication being a vital piece to the art of lovemaking puzzle, there is always consideration. This is very important within any relationship whether it is a sexual one or not but even more so with a relationship that includes lovemaking. If one person does not enjoy talking dirty during sex then they should not be pressured into doing so as this can make them feel uncomfortable and therefore not enjoy the sexual encounter. The art of lovemaking is one that can only be learnt with time and experience and one is expected to get better at this as time goes on.
Partners that have been together for a while tend to have the art of lovemaking perfect and they know what gets their partner sexually aroused and also how to get them to their sexual peak or orgasm. As time goes by and more frequent lovemaking occurs, the two partners will merge into one, knowing how the other likes to be touched, kissed, spoken to and suchlike. This makes for fantastic lovemaking and it is at this time that the couple realise they have perfected the art of lovemaking and this can make for a long and happy, and also monogamous relationship for a long time to come.